the buzz generated by the fans of the refrigeration towers become so annoying in some cases that, when they must be changed, the silence is presented as a main characteristic of the product, at least for the client-user.
The open refrigeration towers of the TVAES series that are manufactured by TEVA, are provided with an indisputable guarantee: they are especially silent, since they have an axial fan of a very low noise level, that is connected directly to a geared motor that provides a much lower revolution level that the standard model. Therefore, the sound level can be up to 13 dB(A) lower. These noise levels are very close to the ones of a centrifugal tower built on a silent version with an acoustic box.
Features of the TVAES open refrigeration towers
Energy saving
The power absorbed by this silent version, with the direct connection through the reducer, leads to a considerable energy saving, compared to the version with the standard transmission. This saving is due to the reduction of the number of revolutions in the fan, because of its specially designed shape that keeps the air with a lower consumption than the standard.
Maintenance service
The direct coupling between the fan and the geared motor not only makes less revolutions, but it also allows a maintenance saving as there are no transmissions of straps, pulleys, axles and extra bearings.
Good value for money
This type of activation has an extra cost that is perfectly affordable compared to the standard versions and even more compared to the cost of other types of more silent (and bulkier) versions or systems for the noise reduction.
Renowned materials
The fan is produced with fiberglass in one single piece with the plate integrated to the nucleus of polyester, leading to a high stiffness and resistance. It has been constructed by a world leading manufacturer in ventilation. The geared motor is also manufactured by a renowned brand, which is specialized in reductions for refrigeration towers.
Technical specifications of the TVAES open refrigeration tower line
The series of the TVAES refrigeration towers is the consequence of successive and constant perfection of the high quantity of devices produced by TEVA, operating in the most diverse conditions and applications.